S/P Carticel Procedure

When cartilage is damaged there is little that can be done to regrow the damaged area. In fact, damaged cartilage can spread to harm the healthy cartilage surrounding it and cause long-term problems such as osteoarthritis. Most patients with cartilage injuries simply learn to live with the pain. Today, that is no longer necessary. A new procedure called autologous cartilage transplantation (ACT) offers new ways to heal cartilage damage and prevent long-term deterioration.
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  • Pain in the knee
  • Loss of ROM in the knee
  • Clicking or locking in the knee
  • Weakness in the affected lower extremity
  • Articular cartilage lesion
  • Period of immobilization- knee locked in extension brace
  • Period of non-weight bearing
  • Passive ROM, progress to active ROM
  • Quadriceps muscle activation
  • Non-weight bearing lower extremity strengthening, progress to weight bearing lower extremity strengthening
  • Gait program



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