
Inflammation of the sacrum and ilium (sacroliac) joint.

  • Pain in the buttocks or lower back
  • Radiating pain down one or both legs
  • Pain aggravated by prolonged standing, stair climbing, bearing more weight on one leg than the other, running, large strides
  • Traumatic injury- motor vehicle accident or a fall
  • Arthritis- osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
  • Pregnancy
  • Infection
  • ROM and stretching
  • Core stabilization exercises
  • Lower extremity strengthening
Sacroilitis Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • Sitting Posture
  • Standing Posture
  • TA Supine Alt Knee Raise
  • Prone Spine Extension
  • Wall Squats
  • Side Lying Lumbar RR RL
  • Q Ped UE LE Lift
  • Sit Up Squat
  • WalkFit Program
  • Gait II
  • Kneeling Hip Flexor

Sacroilitis Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Stairmaster X 20 Minutes
  • Lumbar Circuit
  • Plank Hold
  • Side Plank On Elbow
  • Superman Holds
  • Warrior

Sacroilitis Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Plank Hold
  • Straight Leg Sit Up
  • Single Leg Bridge
  • Superman Holds
  • Side Plank On Elbow
  • Plank Hold Alternate UE LE
  • Lunge Walk Med Ball Rotation