Peripheral Vascular Disease

'Peripheral vascular disease' (PVD), commonly referred to as 'peripheral arterial disease '(PAD) or 'peripheral artery occlusive disease' (PAOD), refers to the obstruction of large artery ''not'' within the coronary, aortic arch vasculature, or brain. PVD can result from atherosclerosis, inflammation processes leading to stenosis, an embolism, or thrombus formation. It causes either Acute or chronic ischemia (lack of blood supply). Often PVD is a term used to refer to atherosclerotic blockages found in the lower extremity. PVD also includes a subset of diseases classified as microvascular diseases resulting from episodal narrowing of the arteries (Raynaud's phenomenon), or widening thereof (erythromelalgia), i.e. vascular spasms.
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  • Pain in one or both calves, thighs, or hips
  • Pain with walking or climbing stairs and stops when you rest
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs
  • Burning or aching pain in the feet or toes while resting
  • A sore on a leg or a foot that will not heal
  • One or both legs or feet feel cold or change color (pale, bluish, dark reddish)
  • Loss of hair on the legs
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Inflammatory processes leading to stenosis
  • Embolism
  • Thrombus formation
  • Smoking cessation
  • Management of diabetes
  • Management of hypertension
  • Management of cholesterol
  • Regular exercise



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