Femoral Fracture

A 'femoral fracture' is a bone fracture that involves the femur. It includes hip fractures.

  • Pain in the leg
  • Pain with walking
  • Swelling and bruising in the leg
  • Loss of ROM in the knee and/or hip
  • Physical deformity of the leg
  • Motor vehicle accident
  • Fall from a height
  • Osteoporosis
  • Tumor
  • Infection
  • Period of immobilization
  • Progress to ROM and stretching exercises
  • Lower extremity strengthening exercises
  • Gait program
Femoral Fracture Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • DVT Clot Instructions
  • Crutch Walking
  • Patella Mobilization
  • Ankle Pumps
  • Quad Sets
  • Straight Leg Raise
  • Clams
  • Supine Heel Slides
  • Passive Knee Extension
  • Vmo Sets 30 60 90

Femoral Fracture Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Step Overs
  • Single Leg Wall Sit
  • Straight Leg Bridge
  • Lunge Matrix
  • Stationary Bike
  • Single Leg Speed Skater
  • Adductor Straddle
  • Lotus
  • Passive Knee Flexion
  • Passive Knee Extension
  • Gait II

Femoral Fracture Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Step Overs
  • Lunge Matrix
  • Speed Skaters
  • Single Leg Sit Up Squat
  • 3-Dot Squat 2 Hands
  • Single Leg Lateral Box Jump
  • Single Leg Hop On Dina Disc
  • Single Leg Tuck Jump