Sciatic Nerve Injury
The sciatic nerve is usually injured at the root of the nerve in the lumbar spine resulting in pain, numbness and/or tingling into the buttocks and down the leg. On occasion tumors, pregnancy, or external compression may cause sciatic injury not related to the spine.
Categories: Lumbar Spine, Non-Surgical.

- Lower back pain
- Buttock pain
- Pain, numbness or weakness in various parts of the leg and foot
- "Pins and needles" sensation
- Tingling and difficulty moving or controlling the leg
- Typically symptoms only manifest on one side of the body
- Pain may radiate below the knee

- Spinal disc herniation
- Degenerative disc disease
- Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Piriformis syndrome
- Coughing/Sneezing
- Muscular hypertension
- Trauma
- Surgery

- ROM and stretching
- Massage therapy
- Core stabilization exercises
- Lower extremity strengthening
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