Fracture of the Phalanges of Foot

A break, especially the breaking of a bone or cartilage in the phalanges of foot.

  • Pain in the toe
  • Swelling in the toe
  • Loss of ROM in the toe
  • Bruising
  • Possible deformity in the toe
  • Jammed toe
  • Falls
  • Direct impact to the toe
  • Period of immobilization
  • Progress to ROM and stretching exercises
  • Foot intrinsic muscle strengthening
  • Lower extremity strengthening
Fracture of the Phalanges of Foot Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • Crutch Walking
  • Straight Leg Raise
  • Quad Sets
  • Clams
  • Big Toe Curls
  • Standing Hip Extension
  • Standing Hip Abduction
  • Weight Bearing Restrictions
  • DVT Clot Instructions

Fracture of the Phalanges of Foot Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Slant Board Straight Knee
  • Contrast Bath
  • Slant Board Bent Knee
  • Step Overs In Mase
  • 3-D Runners Stretch
  • Tri Planar Knee To Wall
  • Nose To Wall

Fracture of the Phalanges of Foot Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Gait II
  • Slips Rocker
  • Heel Offs
  • Heel Raise II
  • Step Overs In Mase
  • Single Leg Balance Mase
  • Single Leg Squat And Touch