Disorders of Shoulder Synovium Tendon/Bursa

A disturbance of function or structure to the shoulder synovium tendon/bursa, resulting from a genetic or embryologic failure in development from exogenous factors such as poison, trauma, or disease.

  • Pain in the shoulder
  • Loss of ROM in the shoulder
  • Stiffness in the shoulder
  • Genetic or embryologic failure in development from exogenous factors such as poison, trauma, or disease
  • ROM and stretching to shoulder
  • Posture program
  • Shoulder stabilization exercises
Crushing Injury of the Scapula Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • Passive Shoulder Internal Rotation
  • Foam Wedge In Flexion
  • Foam Wedge In Abduction
  • Passive Shoulder Abduction
  • T Band Wall Push W Er
  • Thoracic Stretch Iii
  • Standing Posture
  • Sitting Posture
  • Armpit To Wall

Crushing Injury of the Scapula Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Wall Slides
  • Prone Rotator Cuff Circuit
  • Superman Holds
  • Shoulder Ext Rot Scap Plane 90 Abd
  • Push Up Hold Top
  • Down Dog

Crushing Injury of the Scapula Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Push Ups
  • Hummers
  • Sumo Flies 3 Positions
  • Wall Slides
  • Prone Rows
  • Single Arm Push Up Holds
  • Push Up Hand Fire