Contracture of the Hip

A muscle contracture is a permanent shortening of a muscle or joints in the hip. It is usually in response to prolonged hypertonic spasticity in a concentrated muscle area. Contractures are essentially muscles or tendons that have remained too tight for too long, thus becoming shorter. Once they occur they cannot be stretched or exercised away; they must be released with orthopedic surgery.

  • Loss of ROM of the hip
  • Pain in the hip
  • Weakness in the lower extremity
  • Difficulty walking
  • Trauma
  • Infection
  • Arthritis
  • History of surgery
  • ROM and stretching exercises to hip
  • Hip stabilization exercises
  • Lower extremity strengthening exercises
  • Gait program
Contracture of the Hip Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • Lotus
  • Adductor Straddle
  • Child Pose
  • Kneeling Hip Flexor
  • Prone Thomas Stretch
  • Single Leg Bridge
  • Hip Ir Er Rotation With T-band
  • Prone Hip Extension Adduction Abduction T Band
  • Stationary Bike
  • Gait II

Contracture of the Hip Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Step Overs
  • Step Downs
  • Restorative Shoulder Quadrant
  • Sit Up Squat
  • Single Leg Balance
  • Kettle Bell Swings

Contracture of the Hip Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Bridge Marching
  • Glute Med Wall Sit
  • Step Overs In Mase
  • Single Leg Squat And Touch
  • T Band Defensive Slides
  • Speed Skaters
  • Lunge Walk Med Ball Rotation
  • 3-dot Squat 2 Hands