Stiffness in the in the Knee

Nonspecific term for limited knee mobility, often due to muscle cramps and spasm accompanied by pain.

  • Loss of ROM in the knee
  • Swelling in the knee
  • Pain in the knee
  • Ligament tear
  • Cartilage tear
  • Meniscus tear
  • Muscle sprain/strain
  • Muscle imbalance
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tumor
  • Tendinitis
  • Patella dislocation
  • Bursitis
  • Loose body
  • Iliotibial band sydrome
  • Hip or foot pain
  • ROM and stretching exercises
  • Lower extremity strengthening
  • Gait program
Stiffness in the in the Knee Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • Passive Knee Extension
  • Passive Knee Flexion
  • Lotus
  • Sit On Feet
  • Vmo Sets 30 60 90
  • Wall Sits
  • Gait II
  • Stationary Bike

Stiffness in the in the Knee Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Adductor Straddle
  • Child Pose
  • Lotus
  • Kneeling Hip Flexor
  • Lunge Matrix
  • Step Overs

Stiffness in the in the Knee Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Step Overs
  • Lunge Matrix
  • Speed Skaters
  • Single Leg Sit Up Squat
  • 3-Dot Squat 2 Hands
  • Single Leg Lateral Box Jump
  • Single Leg Hop On Dina Disc
  • Single Leg Tuck Jump