Sprains of the Foot Unspecified

An injury to the foot (unspecified) when the joint is carried through a range of motion greater than normal, but without dislocation or fracture.

  • Pain in the foot
  • Loss of ROM in the foot
  • Tenderness with palpation to the foot
  • Difficulty walking
  • Twisting motion
  • Repetitive stress
  • Trauma to foot
  • ROM and stretching
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Foot intrinsic muscle strengthening
  • Lower extremity strengthening
Sprains of the Foot Unspecified Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • Foot Wedge
  • 3-D Runners Stretch
  • 100s
  • Passive Ankle Inversion
  • Passive Ankle Eversion
  • Windshield Wipers
  • Single Leg Balance
  • Toe Yoga
  • Tri Planar Knee To Wall
  • Nose To Wall
  • Stationary Bike
  • Contrast Bath

Sprains of the Foot Unspecified Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Heel Raises
  • Heel Offs
  • Slips Rocker
  • Step Overs In Mase
  • Step Downs
  • Backwards Step Ups

Sprains of the Foot Unspecified Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Heel Offs
  • German Dance
  • Heel Raises
  • Step Overs In Mase
  • T Band Walks In Mase
  • Tennis Ball Push
  • Jump Rope Routine
  • Toe Hops