Scoliosis of the Lumbar Spine

Abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column along the lumbar spine. Depending on the etiology, there may be one curve, or primary and secondary compensatory curves; scoliosis may be "fixed" as a result of muscle and/or bone deformity or "mobile" as a result of unequal muscle contraction.

  • Low back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Increased pain after standing or sitting prolonged period of time
  • Hips can appear tilted
  • Numbness in lower extremity
  • Degeneration
  • Congential
  • Arthritis
  • Idiopathic
  • ROM and stretching
  • Core stabilization exercises
  • Lower extremity strengthening
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Bracing
  • Possible surgical intervention
Scoliosis of the Lumbar Spine Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • Sitting Posture
  • Standing Posture
  • TA Supine Alt Knee Raise
  • Prone Spine Extension
  • Wall Squats
  • Side Lying Lumbar RR RL
  • Q Ped UE LE Lift
  • Sit Up Squat
  • WalkFit Program.pdf
  • Gait II
  • Kneeling Hip Flexor

Scoliosis of the Lumbar Spine Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Stairmaster X 20 Minutes
  • Lumbar Circuit
  • Plank Hold
  • Side Plank On Elbow
  • Superman Holds
  • Warrior

Scoliosis of the Lumbar Spine Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Plank Hold
  • Straight Leg Sit Up
  • Single Leg Bridge
  • Superman Holds
  • Side Plank On Elbow
  • Plank Hold Alternate UE LE
  • Lunge Walk Med Ball Rotation