Dislocation of Hip

Joint dislocation of the hip is a common injury to the hip joint. Dislocation occurs when the ball–shaped head of the femur comes out of the cup–shaped acetabulum set in the pelvis. This may happen to a varying degree. A dislocated hip, much more common in females than in males, is a condition that can either be congenital or acquired. Understanding the epidemiology, anatomy, difference between congenital and acquired, screening, treatments, and rehabilitation are all relevant to the topic.

  • Severe pain in the hip, especially when attempting to move the leg
  • Leg on the affected side appears shorter than the other leg
  • Hip joint appears deformed
  • Pain or numbness along the sciatic nerve area (back of thighs) if injury presses on this nerve
  • Severe falls, especially from heights
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • Possible surgical intervention
  • ROM and stretching exercises
  • Core stabilization exercises
  • Lower extremity strengthening exercises
Dislocation of Hip Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • DVT Clot Instructions
  • Crutch Walking
  • Straight Leg Raise
  • Quad Sets
  • Big Toe Curls
  • Ankle Pumps

Dislocation of Hip Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Prone Thomas Stretch
  • Side Lying Hip Abduction At Wall
  • Bridges
  • Sit Up Squat
  • Squats With Glute Max Bias
  • Weight Shifts
  • Step Throughs

Dislocation of Hip Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Gait II
  • Bridge Marching
  • Step Ups
  • Step Overs
  • Step Downs
  • Prone Leg Lifts
  • Hip IR ER Rotation With T-band