Ankylosis of the Upper Arm

Arthritis of the upper arm, resembling rheumatoid arthritis, which may progress to bony ankylosis with lipping of vertebral margins; the disease is more common in the male, often with rheumatoid factor absent an the HLA antigen present. There is striking association with B27 tissue type and the strong familia aggregation suggest an important genetic factor.

  • Pain and stiffness in the upper arm
  • Loss of ROM in the shoulder and elbow
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Possible immune mechanism
  • Upper arm ROM and stretching
  • Postural program
  • Upper extremity strengthening exercises
Ankylosis of the Upper Arm Phase I

Purchase Phase

  • Passive Shoulder Internal Rotation
  • Foam Wedge In Flexion

  • Foam Wedge In Abduction
  • Passive Shoulder Abduction
  • Thoracic Stretch III
  • T Band Wall Push W ER

  • Standing Posture

  • Sitting Posture

Ankylosis of the Upper Arm Phase II

Purchase Phase

  • Passive Shoulder Abduction
  • Wall Slides

  • Prone Rotator Cuff Circuit

  • Superman Holds
  • Shoulder Ext Rot Scap Plane 90 Abd

  • Push Up Hold Top
  • Down Dog

Ankylosis of the Upper Arm Phase III

Purchase Phase

  • Push Ups
  • Hummers

  • Sumo Flies 3 Positions
  • Wall Slides

  • Prone Rows
  • Single Arm Push Up Holds

  • Push Up Hand Fire